I have almost been out 2 months already. Can you believe it?!
As we did our laundry this morning, it thundered just once but the entire world shook. The power is just amazing! I love storms. And the rain of course feels like home.
This week was different. We had meeting after meeting and not a ton of time to proselyte. Whether it was district meeting, early morning training meeting, the history trip (which I'll have things to share about... t'was wonderful), exchanges (twice for me this week with different sisters) or Sunday meetings, we just kept going and going. I really feel like I wrote you yesterday or something. We did end up going to the zoo after I emailed home last P-day. That was fun. We went to Africa!
I also find the longer I am out here, the less and less inspired I am to write out my soul... Because I live it everyday! I will write this little personal diddy and then I'll get into the work. As a missionary, especially here in Independence, there are so many different views of religion you couldn't count them. We have people come up to us (gotta love the tag) and constantly tell us what we believe. Everytime it's different. I find it humorous actually, but it's also sad because they didn't let Heavenly Father teach them about what the LDS religion truly has to offer: the Fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, through the correct sources. I will testify again and again that we as humans would be lost without a prophet called of God and the Priesthood power within this church. That's something I've been studying. Priesthood, and faith. Never lose faith. Never think your faith is enough. I have been studying Alma 32:
What is faith? We see in Alma 32:21 that it is a hope for things not seen, which are true. It is not a perfect knowledge, but a belief. We are not intended to know everything with a perfect knowledge. For if we did, what purpose would there be in having faith in Christ and our Father in heaven? There is a reason that faith is the first principle of the gospel. There would be no progress if we don't have faith. And progression is necessary. If we aren't moving forward, we are slipping backwards. The fact is, we will never understand everything here. We were not intended to. Without faith, we can't understand the love out Father in Heaven has for us. Always have that belief. And, it can be grown. In Alma 32, it tells that all you need is a desire and then to nourish it. I sugguest studying that chapter sometime.
This week I also was able to have my testimony strengthened in the Atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ, and the power it has in our personal application. Being able to understand how Christ's sacrifice affects us directly and being able to apply it to our lives is the greatest act of love and mercy in all of history. I love my Lord and Savior. It is through him that I can start to understand the love Heavenly Father has for His children. All we have to do is take that first step.
Anyway, that was my theme for the week.
We have a couple new investigators! The wife works with a young man about to leave on his mission to Peru and she just loves him and his example. He brought her to church, to the VC, and now she and her husband are meeting with us. They are the nicest people, too. Sharon's baptism is this Saturday - it will be my first as a missionary. We just love Sharon and are so excited for her. She's asked us to speak, so I'll be speaking at my first baptism, too. Ha! Love it! Unfortuantely, our other baptisms fell through. That's alright though. It may just not be time and when they are ready, we'll be here, prepared and willing to continue forward.
We have a wonderful member dinner tonight. We were going to have a bonfire with tinfoil dinners (Oh Mossyrock) but since it's seems that Noah's Ark may be needed again here in Independence we may stay indoors. We have an awesome object lesson for all the kids about the importance of prayer. I'm so excited!
I'm sending a few pictures home. All of the VC sisters that haven't been on the [every 6 months] history tour got to go to Liberty Jail, Far West, and Adam-ondi-ahman on Friday. That was so much fun! Here are a few pictures from that adventure. The first picture is of all the sisters in front of the historic Liberty Jail. Next, a picture of me and Joseph Smith right outside of Far West. Next, a picture of the group overlooking Adam-ondi-Ahman. And lastly, the group at the bed & breakfast where we ate lunch. Such an amazing place. The owners of the B&B (marydale.com I think...) are LDS and actually were Sister Browning's Mom's Mission President in Peru a number of years ago. Cool, eh? I'm not going to send a billion pictures like a couple weeks ago, but in the box I'm sending out I will have my jump drive in there with 500ish pictures. Dad, if you would be so kind, please save them on your computer, clear the drive, and send it back to me. No rush, my card holds a ton of pictures, but this way you all can see my life the past 8 weeks or so. There are some random ones... I apologize in advance. :)
No big plans today for P-day... just writing snail mail letters! I have so many to resposne to... Please forgive me friends. I do love and cherish you, I just never have time for myself/you. My life is devoted to my Father in Heaven and His son Jesus Christ. You're all in my prayers!
I love you. Moroni 9:26.
Sister Vicki Moore
Shall we not go on in so great a cause?
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