Monday, August 13, 2012

Last one

1753: Ramey family <3
1715: Wichita Zone!
1718: A senior couple, the Jensens. They came to inspect our apartment
the other day.
1721: Maxine! That was baptized on 11 Aug. How cute is she??

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
It's hard to believe that this is my last email to you. My parents
have all sent short little blurbs this week basically saying nothing
but "we are excited to see you!" I am really tired and we have a full
couple days before I get on the bus on Thursday. But I wouldn't have
it any other way. I plan on going out to thrash nations as D&C 35 puts
it and end strong. Sister Jones is an angel and is helping me stay
strong and not lose my mind.

Maxine's baptism on Saturday was so sweet. Her entire family was the
program. Her granddaughter spoke and it was so touching. The whole
family had been praying, hoping, and working for over 30 years for
that day, and it finally came. I know that miracles happen. I know
Heavenly Father's blessings. That's why I was called, to learn of
them. We are gearing up for Debbie's baptism. She is more than
prepared! She has just dove in to getting involved and the ward
continues to make comments to us "she just belongs here! She fits
right in!" I am SO grateful and excited to see her be baptized on my
last night in Hutch. What a blessing.

We have 2 solid new investigators. One was found by member referral.
One of the bishopric counselors in the ward does a call-out at the
prison every Sunday night and has been for over 19 years. One young
man is finally off of parole and probation and is serious about
getting involved. I'm excited to hear from the sisters how he
progresses. We felt inspired to contact a potential and found his
sister in law who was basically waiting for us. As we shared a brief
summary of the restoration she started to cry. It was a beautiful,
touching moment. The Spirit was strong. I so love serving as a full
time missionary and it will be hard to leave, but the memories and
experiences I have had, and who I have become will forever stay with
me. I know my Savior lives.

This week is going to be full of emotion and hard work. We have many
commitments and are so excited to see so many change their lives. I
don't really know what to type since next Monday I'll be in Oregon.

I know that faith is the underlying principle of everything within the
gospel. Without faith, we can see no miracle. But I have learned to
expect miracles. They happen each and every day in everyday
situations. People change. I am a witness of that. I have experienced
that myself. The fact that we can literally have a change of heart
through the principles of the gospel is miraculous in and of itself. I
have become so much more of the woman my Father in Heaven wants me to
be. I know that I have more to experience after I am released. I have
made several commitments to myself and have made many decisions on how
I will live returning home. I know I cannot life the same lifestyle
completely as I have to focus on other things. But I do know that I
can serve God in all I do. I invite you all to find a way you can
serve God, and to execute it. Most of the time it involves other
people. Being able to study and experience parts of the Savior's life
has deepened my views on following the perfect example of Jesus
Christ. We learn from doing. We gain testimonies from experiences. We
first must trust in Him. I know the Jesus of the New Testament is the
chosen Messiah; the Savior of mankind. I know He came to show us the
way home to eternal life and to perform His Atonement. I know it is
real. It is true. As is the church that was restored by the prophet
Joseph Smith.

I am moved deeply as I reflect on the past 18 months. I really can't
portray adequately what happened, but I hope and pray that who I have
become will give you an idea.

I love you all so very much. I wish to thank you sincerely for all
your support. As we end one phrase of life, we are expected to start
another and give what we've got. So, shall we not go on in so great a

Sister Moore

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